Sometimes age and health obstacles can get in the way of your sex life. Many of us are aware of Viagra, but there are alternatives to Viagra and the natural way that works is with the product called Extra LHT. Many men are affected by erectile dysfunction, even young men who are in their 30’s. Erectile dysfunction happens when there is a decrease in testosterone production. Testosterone is a very important hormone that creates energy, maintains muscle mass and keeps a healthy sex drive.
What to expect from EXTRA LHT
- Extra LHT enhances orgasm intensity and duration
- Extra LHT will increase energy
- Extra LHT maintains a larger erection
What is in EXTRA LHT
- Asian Panax Ginseng – treats fatigue, impotence and frigidity
- Tongkat Ali Extract – is known as the sexual treasure of S.E. Asia it’s known for Testosterone enhancing properties
- Horny Goat Weed – its active ingredient is Icarin and Icarin increases Nitric Oxide which helps increase the blood flow to the penis and this is the key to firmer and stronger erections.
- Maca Root – enhances strength, endurance, reduces enlarged prostate glands, heigtens libido and improves semen quality, improves erectile function and supports healthy orgasms